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Faith Forward Nurse Aide Academy ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT

7800 Oakmont Blvd Fort Worth Texas 76132

Which course are you attending?
I understand that Faith Forward Academy is Approved and regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges, Austin, Texas.
I have been made aware of the location of the School's catalog on the website and understand that I may view or print a copy at any time.


Refund computations will be based on scheduled course time of classes through the last date of attendance.  Leaves of absence, suspensions and school holidays will not be counted as part of the scheduled class attendance.

2.         The effective date of termination for refund purposes will be the earliest of the following:

(a)        The last day of attendance, if the student is terminated by the school;

(b)        The date of receipt of written notice from the student; or

(c)        Ten school days following the last date of attendance.

3.         If tuition and fees are collected in advance of entrance, and if after expiration of the 72 hour cancellation privilege the student does not enter school, not more than $100 in any administrative fees charged shall be retained by the school for the entire length of the program.

4.         If a student enters the program and withdraws or is otherwise terminated after the cancellation period, the school may retain not more than $100 in any administrative fees charged for the entire program.  The minimum refund of the remaining tuition and fees will be the pro rata portion of tuition, fees, and other charges that the number of hours remaining in the portion of the course or program for which the student has been charged after the effective date of termination bears to the total number of hours in the portion of the program for which the student has been charged, except that a student may not collect a refund if the student has completed 75 percent or more of the total number of hours in the portion of the program for which the student has been charged on the effective date of termination. More simply the refund is based on the precise number of course time hours a student has paid for, but not yet used, at the point of termination, up to the 75% completion mark, after which no refund is due.

5.         Refunds for items of extra expense to the student, such as books, tools, or other supplies are to be handled separately from refund of tuition and other academic fees.  The student will not be required to purchase instructional supplies, books and tools until such time as these materials are required.  Once these materials are purchased, no refund will be made.  For full refunds, the school will withhold costs for these types of items from the refund as long as they were necessary for the portion of the program attended. Any such items not required for the portion of the program attended must be included in the refund.

6.         A student who withdraws for a reason unrelated to the student’s academic status after the 75 percent completion mark and requests a grade at the time of withdrawal shall be given a grade of “incomplete” and permitted to re-enroll in the course or program during the 12-month period following the date the student withdrew without payment of additional tuition for that portion of the program.

7.         A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases:

(a)            An enrollee is not accepted by the school;

(b)            If the course of instruction is discontinued by the school and this prevents the student from completing the course; or

If the student's enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or representations by the owner or representatives of the school

I have read and understand the REFUND POLICY.


A student of the school who withdraws from the school as a result of the student being called to active duty in a military service of the United States or the Texas National Guard may elect one of the following options:

(a)        If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the withdrawal, a pro rata refund of any tuition, fees, or other charges paid by the student for the program and a cancellation of any unpaid tuition, fees, or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the program the student does not complete following withdrawal;

(b)        A grade of incomplete with the designation "withdrawn-military" for the courses in the program, other than courses for which the student has previously received a grade on the student's transcript, and the right to re-enroll in the program, or a substantially equivalent program if that program is no longer available, not later than the first anniversary of the date the student is discharged from active military duty without payment of additional tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than any previously unpaid balance of the original tuition, fees, and charges for books for the program; or

(c)        The assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in the program, but only if the instructor or instructors of the program determine that the student has:

(1)        satisfactorily completed at least 90 percent of the required coursework for the program; and

(2)        demonstrated sufficient mastery of the program material to receive credit for completing the program.

9.         The payment of refunds will be totally completed such that the refund instrument has been negotiated or credited into the proper account(s), within 60 days after the effective date of termination.

I understand the Active Military Leave Refund Policy
I have received a tour of the classroom facility. I understand that the following rooms are part of the school campus:
I have seen the credentials by Texas Workforce Commission posted in the classroom.

Faith Forward Nurse Aide Training Academy is accredited by the Health and Human Services Commission and Approved and Regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges, in Austin, Texas.  


This school has a Certificate of Approval from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). The TWC-assigned school number is: S5322 .

The school’s programs are approved by TWC, as well as Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

Students must address their concerns about this school or any of its educational programs by following the grievance process outlined in the school’s catalog. Schools are responsible for ensuring and documenting that all students have received a copy of the school’s grievance procedures and for describing these procedures in the school’s published catalog. If, as a student, you were not provided with this information, please inform school management. Students dissatisfied with this school’s response to their complaint or who are not able to file a complaint with the school, can file a formal complaint with TWC, as well as with other relevant agencies or accreditors, if applicable. Information on filing a complaint with TWC can be found on TWC’s website at


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